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A&B Flux Kit


Though A&B Prospecting stands by not selling pre-made fluxes, we will sell the main chemicals needed to make a flux.

Included in the A&B Flux Kit: (1) 2.5lb Borax Glass, (1) 2lb Soda Ash, (1) 2lb Silica Powder


Flux formulas from various sources:

Ammen's Book: 
(5) parts Soda Ash
(4) parts Borax Glass
(2) parts Silica Powder

Nola May Carter Book:
(3) tablespoons Soda Ash
(1/4) cup Silica Powder
(2) tablespoons Borax Glass

Prospector Ed Book:
(16) parts Soda Ash
(5) parts Silica Powder
(11) parts Borax Glass

Jim Mills
(3) parts Borax Glass
(1) part Soda Ash
(1/2) part Silica Powder
(1/2) teaspoon Charcoal (Powder)
- Add Potassium Nitrate (Nitre) to oxidize copper (1/8) part to Flux