Keene 4" Jet Flare Dredge 3 Stage Sluice with P180 & KAC
Keene’s “3 Stage Sluice Box” provides excellent gold recovery and easy, convenient cleanup. Note below that in Stage 1 the primary riffles can be removed separately from the other riffles, and a new plate covered with deep V rubber matting that is also easily removable is placed at the end of the flare for fine gold recovery. Stage 2 is equipped with riffles that don’t pack full of black sands and that capture gold tied up in clays. Stage 3 riffles line the bottom of the sluice box under the Stage 2 riffles to provide recovery for super fine gold due to decreased water velocity. The Jet Flare and rubber damper are designed to spread material more evenly for better classification. The 4” dredge is powered by the Honda GX200 equipped with the P180 pump for suction depths of approximately 20-30 feet. Also redesigned are the pontoon floats and pontoon frame. Both are improved to make moving the dredge easier in water and on land. This dredge can also be setup with a suction nozzle. KAC air compressor can be added.
The most popular 4 Inch Dredge in the world has all of the features of the larger professional dredges. Our 4-inch dredge is ideal for the prospector requiring a light portable dredge with the capacity to move large amounts of material.
Experience firsthand the high performance of our SB4F3 sluice box with our own unique 3 Stage Sluice System for unsurpassed fine gold recovery. Equipped with the P180 pump which has proven to be the highest performing pump on the market for its size. The four-inch Marlex floats are molded with built in toolbox, drink holders and bottom runners for rocky river bottoms and fast water. The float frame, with handle inserts, makes for ideal pickup and transport. The adjustable PPJF4 jet flare can be raised and positioned at frame level for transporting through rapids and shallow areas.
All of our 4 Inch Dredges have fully assembled dimensions of 73" x 46" x 13" and come equipped with a PJ42 Jet.
Stage 1.
90% of all visible gold is recovered in the primary recovery riffles. This section can be removed independently, reducing cleanup time drastically. We recommend this stage be cleaned once a day while the others may be cleaned as infrequently as once a week. The black rubber matting increases visual identification due to the contrast of gold on black. The ribbed matting is also mounted on a plate making removal of the matting even more effortless.
Stage 2.
This section of the recovery system is designed to capture any gold that was tied up in clays or hard packed material. This portion of the riffle works extremely well as black sand will not build up.
Stage 3.
This stage allows fine material to enter a lower section and protects it from high velocity water, providing for super fine recovery of gold and black sand. This section also creates a low-pressure area at the end of the primary recovery system that classifies material down to less than 1/8 of an inch for even superior fine material recovery.
Specialized Packaging Required
To avoid the Specialized Packaging Fee, call (480) 832-4524 for a customized shipping quote.