Sam Radding's Book of Plans, Volume I. (Radding)
Sam Radding's Book of Plans, Volume I. (Radding)
Build View scopes, Suction sticks, Sniping Tools, and more.
If you are handy with your hands or know someone who is then you can save hundreds or even thousands by building your own mining equipment. This Volume will show you how to construct several types of Drywashers, Rocker Boxes, Concentrator, sluice and converyor belt. Plan 1 - Port a Sluice Plan 2 - Rocker Box Plan 3 - Small Rocker Plan 4 - Wooden Concentrator Plan 4 - Rocker Concentrator Plan 5 - Aluminum Concentrator Plan 6 - Bellows Drywasher Plan 7 - Conveyor Belt.
Spiral-bound: 80 pages
Publisher: Butterknife Publishing; 1 edition (1995)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 11 x 8.7 x 0.2 inches
Price: $14.95